Necessary Improvements and Maintenance: Ms. Madeja represented a large public university advocating for water quality improvements relating to the university's operations and facilities.

Neighborhood Advocacy for Disadvantaged Families: A significant financial settlement was reached on this issue after years of hard work. A predominantly low-income, minority neighborhood in the Boston area was inundated with millions of gallons of raw sewage mixed with stormwater for a twenty-block radius in late October, 1996, and then again in June, 1998. Buchanan & Associates, with McDermott, Will & Emery as trial counsel, represented the neighborhood to negotiate financial damages, pursue permanent solutions to the infrastructure inadequacies, and strengthen the community.Follow this link to read about additional client matters handled by Ms. Madeja.


Environmental Permitting

If you seek an environmental permit, Buchanan & Associates can provide you with a summary of all permits required to successfully complete your project, including timelines for obtaining those permits, as well as strategic counsel on how to present the proposed projects to regulators and community representatives.

We have handled a wide variety of ENVIRONMENTAL Enforcement and SUPERFUND MATTERS for clients over the years.